NASDO Organization – Transforming Life’s Together
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NASDO Organization  recently conducted a comprehensive training program on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). As part of its commitment to safeguarding human dignity, Nasdo aims to equip its staff, volunteers, and partners with the necessary knowledge and tools to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Training Highlights:

1. Understanding PSEA:

• Definitions and real-life examples of sexual exploitation and abuse.

• Overview of international legal and ethical frameworks.

2. Organizational Policies:

• Detailed explanation of Nasdo’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse.

• Ethical obligations and professional boundaries

3. Prevention Strategies:

• Creating safe environments through risk assessments and management.

• Safe recruitment practices.

4. Reporting Mechanisms:

• Clear instructions on how to report incidents confidentially.

• Role of PSEA focal points in handling reports and providing support.

5. Response Protocols:

• Immediate actions and support services for survivors.

• Procedures for fair and thorough investigations.

6. Practical Exercises:

• Case studies and role-playing to practice identifying and responding to PSEA situations.

Delivery Methods:

• Interactive workshops

• E-learning modules

• Printed handbooks

• Regular refresher courses


Nasdo’s PSEA training has reinforced a culture of safety and respect within the organization, ensuring that all individuals are protected and treated with dignity. Moving forward, Nasdo plans to enhance its training program by integrating the latest best practices and collaborating with other humanitarian agencies to strengthen global efforts against sexual exploitation and abuse.


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