NASDO Organization – Transforming Life’s Together
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Community Development

The NASDO Organization is a non-governm

The NASDO Organization is a non-governmental agency working towards sustainable development in Somalia, providing assistance and support to vulnerable populations in need of intervention. The organization operates in various areas addressing the challenges faced by the Somali people, aiming for…

In a heartwarming display of community o

In a heartwarming display of community outreach, officials from the NASDO Organization visited an orphanage center in Mogadishu. The photos captured the officials warmly interacting with the children, sharing smiles, laughter, and even some small gifts. They toured the facilities,…

NASDO ORGANIZATION team visited an orpha

NASDO ORGANIZATION team visited an orphanage center earlier this morning in Mogadishu city. #HumanityFirst UNICEF Somalia

NASDO staff making assessment reports in

NASDO staff making assessment reports in moyko village.

NASDO and its daily activities in MOYKO

NASDO and its daily activities in MOYKO village MCH, jowhar District.

Muhiimadeena ugu weyn waa danyarteena M

Muhiimadeena ugu weyn waa danyarteena Maadaama hey,aadu ay bulshada ka timid

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