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Nestled within the heart of Jowhar Distr

Nestled within the heart of Jowhar District, where families draw sustenance from the water, the humanitarian needs are palpable. Amidst the delicate balance of reliance and vulnerability,#NASDO_ORGANIZATION’S efforts become a beacon of hope. Door by door, they traverse the terrain, not just delivering awareness but addressing the immediate concerns of the community. It’s a hands-on approach to fulfilling the pressing humanitarian needs and establishing a foundation for sustained health improvements in this precious corner of the world.
In this intricate dance of dependence, the people ingeniously utilize rainwater, a precious resource, for their daily needs. Yet, the effects of this reliance are twofold – it reflects resilience in harnessing nature’s gift, but it also underscores the vulnerability to fluctuations in weather patterns. #NASDO’s intervention not only brings awareness but also strives to fortify the community against these nuances, ensuring that the use of rainwater remains a sustainable and secure source for the resilient people of Jowhar District.
UNICEF Somalia
USAID Somalia


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