NASDO Organization – Transforming Life’s Together
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NASDO Organization is participating in

NASDO Organization is participating in a training organized by Save the Children Somalia. Save the Children has organized a training curriculum focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies. The training has been delivered through three regional sessions, targeting program managers from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Ministry of Health, UN agencies, and donor agencies.

The objective of the training is to pilot the adaptation and use of the IYCF-E Curriculum, with a specific focus on strengthening the capacity of national and local NGOs in Somalia.


1. Assess, justify, and advocate for the need for IYCF-E programming when preparing for and responding to an emergency.

2. Describe the actions that decision-makers, planners, and emergency responders across all sectors can take to protect, promote, and support recommended IYCF and care practices during emergencies.

3. Design and operationalize contextually appropriate, effective, accessible, and inclusive IYCF-E programs and interventions.

Consequences of the training include enhanced knowledge and skills among participants, leading to improved preparedness and response capabilities in addressing infant and young child feeding needs during emergencies. The training also fosters collaboration and coordination among national and international organizations, ministries, and donor agencies, promoting a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of infant and young child feeding in emergency settings. Ultimately, the training aims to contribute to the well-being and survival of infants and young children in Somalia during crises.



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