NASDO Organization – Transforming Life’s Together
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In a heartwarming display of community o

In a heartwarming display of community outreach, officials from the NASDO Organization visited an orphanage center in Mogadishu. The photos captured the officials warmly interacting with the children, sharing smiles, laughter, and even some small gifts. They toured the facilities, engaging with the dedicated staff, and discussing ways the organization could support the center’s needs with the help of our great partnership support by Unicef Somalia CO and #USAID_SOMALIA The images showed moments of genuine connection, as the officials listened to the stories and dreams of the children, providing a sense of hope and inspiration. It was evident that the visit brought a sense of joy and positivity to both the orphans and the officials, highlighting the power of compassion and the importance of such initiatives in making a positive impact on the community.
UNICEF Somalia
USAID Somalia


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